Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Oh cake!

I'm not a huge fan of cakes, desserts etc. I don't have a sweet tooth, sadly/thankfully. But I just had one of the best cakes ever. woah. Mind blowing cake from a traditional bakery! 80 cents is all it takes to faint in heaven. Sounds ideal... Cake fan cake fan!

Anyhow, it's been busy at work.. explaining the lack of updates again :( work IS tiring.. but let's not start complaining. Happy mid week!!! be back with photos!!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

my birthday..

was almost 3 months ago and here i am, still talking about my birthday. Ahhh there is so much I want to write about, so many photos I want to upload, so many things happening at the same time, so many people to meet.. I am slightly overwhelmed by this and it felt like I haven't had a breather in ages. Glad I had the past few to myself doing nothing but caving into the couch and digging into randoms bags of snacks. I promise to pack my room.. then hopefully find time to backup the million and one photos and spring clean my laptop inside and out. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Finally some picture spam. Just the way I like it..

Now going back to my birthday!  hahahah before touching the bangkok, taiwan, europe photos. lol i am a procrastinator/just slow and i might probably take forever :(

So one month ago, I claimed that I made my own soap. No lies about that!

I remember working on a stupid simulation project for an individual assignment on that day till my mind went mad and even ate into the time that I've promised myfavouritecat. She waited for me patiently at some unknown corner of the estate (as usual) but was forced to appear at my doorstep because of nature's call hahaaahhahaha poor thing CXY :)

Here's my 一粒铁钉 and her instax mini.
she documented our day in polaroids and gave them all to me for safekeeping, hehe :)   
the multi-talented favouritecat also baked me an apple crumble for my birthday!!!!!! <3 
her failed attempt in documenting the apple crumble making process in her own home tsktsk
yumyum in my tumtum :)

after an hour of commotion with me having to get changed, racing against time to anyhowdo-then-submit my assignment, we finally made it to Orchard Central for some soap making!!

Pretty excited because I've never made my own soap.. not to forget, she also got cheated into paying more so that we could make a HELL LOT more soap hahahahha i think we each have 1kg worth of soap lolol i still have ALL of the soaps intact in their clingwrap. Can't bear to use it!!!!

she got us each the package that comes with a chunk of goat's milk soap (opaque white block) - more moisturizing and whatnot and obviously got cheated into paying more again ahahhaha.
myfavouritecat, the salesperson's best friend :)
cutting the block of soap.. and i beat her to it! "wah lao even cut soap you need to be so competitive?!" hahahhaheheheh :p
selecting our colour dye for our soaps.. mine was blue and yellow and looked like... mehhhhhhhh
selecting the scents! workshop lady messed up my selection and we ended up with 2kg of soap.. all smelling like lavender~~~~~ Wah laaaaaaaaao.
her colours turned out so much better. life is unfair...
comes the toughest section of the workshop - selecting the molds! there were just too many cute ones to choose from
while waiting for things to happen... we did a tour around the shop and saw these cute little ones! amazing how lovely and intricate soap can look! i will never bear to use them..
xiaolongbao and friends
 desserts - donuts cakes icecream
soap took form and we went crazy removing them from the mold. it was a lot of fun! enjoyed taking them out because we could ogle and be very amazed by how we managed to make such pretty soaps hahahah small kids
now to clingwrap them one by one. we almost died doing this!
made 6 'diamond rings'.. gave one to her and intended to give one to each of my sisters too. but it never happened. all of these still sitting in the paper bag lolol
my soap was in an awful pastel blue (i hate it!?) so i ended up making random soap tiles.. even my ladybird is made only with the shell because i hate the blue!!! >:( hers turned out really pretty and dainty with the pink! 
us and our favourites!
the 'little pastel-yuck-blue box' and ice cream! 
Dinner at Yomenya Goemon!
when too many choices can sometimes be a pain..
unwrapping my gift :D
oh so happy!
Hokkaido Cream Cheese Soup Spaghetti with Scallop, Corn, Bacon & Potato
Mentaiko, Pork & Jap. Pickles Karashi-Takana
was a tad salty but i finished every bit of this. I love pasta!!

Coldstone Creamery! 

The people at coldstone threw the entire ball of icecream at me, about some 2-3 meters away.. and I caught it in the waffle bowl!!!! :) 
no photos though because favouritecat does not know how to use my camera. fail whale..... hahahahah

And here's to summarize my night in polaroids..
so damn happy because i caught the ball of ice cream hahahah she was so shocked that i did! netball one hor please lolol!

and to end my final birthday post, here are two collages that my little sisters made for me :) so sweet :) better put them up here in case i lose/forget them. Now i will never forget!

How i can always do silly things and faces with my sisters but always get away with it :)

and and and lastly (i promise) a crystal angel from Leroy! All the way from Canada :)

This week is going to be quite a whack for me so I'd better make the most out of it! Happy midweek!!!