Monday, January 30, 2012

Resolution for 2012

2011 was a year of great gains - experiences, sights and weight.

My 2011 was fantas-to-the-tic! So much so that I jumped in shock when I stepped on the weighing scale in 2012. The weighing scale tells great stories.

In the past month or so, I've heard my friends tell me "No lah jaz.. you look the same what...". SO HAPPY
Then I've heard my cousin told me "you like put on weight in sweden hor jazreel.. but look better leh" and my uncle saying "你肥了hor.. 可是比较美leh!" HAPPY?? NOT REALLY :O ok la not living in denial... fat means fat. ok loh........

It's almost been a month since I've been back.. It doesn't seem so long ago yet it doesn't feel any more recent either. According to that stack of Welcome Home Package from the school's office of international relations, I should now be at the Storming stage - where I am making comparisons and complaining about the host country (Sweden) being a better place to be in. OF COURSE SWEDEN IS BETTER. meh......

But anyway it's great to be back with my family and friends!

Ok not to digress, I am working hard at losing weight (ok maybe not so hardworking but at least i'm working on it). Hope this doesn't backfire! Exercising is great. I love working up a sweat! Great sense of satisfaction :)



Skype entertains.

I am now tuned in to Skype listening to my friend(s) read their scripts for a presentation on Warehouse Management System (WMS). WMS is an interesting topic but it fails to interest me. Can't believe that I'm already into the 4th week of school.. Final year, final semester. Time truly truly flies...

Here I am working with a group of boys which I.. 1. Know, 2. Never seen and heard of, 3. Seen and heard but never spoken to. This team was formed based on a lottery?!?! Really, lottery!? YEAR 4 AND WE STILL NEED TO DO THIS SORT OF NONSENSE? -.- Complaints aside, it was nonetheless a great opportunity to meet new people :)

Being on Skype now reminds me of the very few but crazy times I had over Skype while I was away from home. I have a habit of taking screenshots of anything and everything so I've got several of these from Skype conversations.. Since I don't have much time to post all of those now, I'll post my favourite!

This is me at the bottom left corner! This screenshot was taken on 12th November 2011 when I just returned to Sweden from my trip to London and Bath. There I was showing off my new buys to my sisters - I'm fully decked in cheap (and surprisingly good!!) winter wear from Primark*. That's a SUPER thick snood which gives me 毛 in my mouth ALL THE TIME and a beanie with long ear flaps, tassels and a cute fuzzy ball on top.

Okay anyway!!! Back to me and my mum. Halfway through our Skype conversation, my sister made my mum stand in front of the webcam because.. "三姐, you and mummy wearing the same things!!!" HHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH my mum honestly buys the funniest things. She said the thing wrapping her head helps in maintaining some sort of ionic balance.... Hmmmmm. It's damn cute anyway! My mum, the screenshot, her being shy and hiding behind her bolster because I told her I needed to take a screenshot of this. Everything about this is just so cute :)

Picture of the year 2011.

Alright, need to sort out the pile of assignments waiting to be completed........... I share a love-hate relationship with school.

*Primark is a clothing retailer selling items at mega pocket-friendly prices! People shop like everything's free there. No one ever ever ever leaves Primark empty-handed. Not lying! In case you're wondering how pocket-friendly is pocket-friendly, I got the snood for only 4 pounds (about 8SGD) and saw the exact piece retailing in H&M at 19 euros (if I remember correctly). That's 33 vs 8 SGD!?!?!?!?! Ok, even if I remembered wrongly, the one at H&M's at least 10 euros, so that is still 17.5 vs 8 SGD ?!?!?!?! There, I've made my point.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

I am back! :)

It's been a really long time since my last public blog post (on whichever platform - diaryland, livejournal, blogger, tumblr, wordpress etc). I've been on so many platforms, mainly to try out what's the best.. Finally making the big move from my all-time favourite Livejournal back to Blogger!

I lost it all in blogging a year ago because of how sudden I've lost a love so strong. I originally thought that was the end of the world, but it clearly isn't. Not going to lie about how depressing things turned out.. Yet through this time of recovery, I've made HUGE discoveries about me, my life and everything else around. I'll save your time by not dwelling into a past heartache. Rather, we'll take it good by seeing how life kicked off ever since :)

In the recent year 2011, I've made trips around the world and back.. with special thanks to my 4-5 month long overseas exchange programme in Sweden - turned out to be the best time of my life!!   Living life like how a procrastinator should, I have truckloads of photos waiting to be shared! I just hope school doesn't kill me any further with the endless projects and assignments.

That said, I'll be back with more posts and many many many more things to share!

It should seem nice for me to make a teeny weeny introduction about myself.. so I'll leave that for the next! I've created an "About me" page!

Till then :)