Monday, April 30, 2012

i'm on a food trail.

At this time tomorrow, I will be on my way to Taiwan!

It's an insane life that I've been leading since the minute my exam ended. Can't even go about dramatizing how much I've been moving from place to place, country to country. Even till now, I feel like I haven't had enough rest. I am dying to get good rest.. dying even more inside to sleep by 1am instead of 6am. I hate it that my sleeping patterns are still odd >:(

The bff and i just spent 3 hours on skype discussing all things budget, itinerary, packing (and this packingggg killing meeee) i will wake up later to more pain, all thanks to packing!

Though I am not at all ready for this trip with so many other things that I am leaving behind just like that, I look forward to the taiwan street food hahahahha. All the wonder, happiness and fats that food brings. Nothing else can compare.

I will be back in 10 days, i think. Or 11? or 12? Hmm.. anw can't wait to see what Taiwan has to offer and can't wait to be back to see what Singapore remembers and holds true to.

Such wordy posts all the time! Picture spam soon with country-hopping, table-hopping, event-hopping.. yes I'm a hopper.


Till then, may you be richly blessed!
See you blog in 10/11/12 days!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


24th April 2012

So, I've been saving those two words for today.. Finally got the chance to use it :) Felt like magic. Happiness was bursting at the seams. hahaha i couldn't contain my excitement so I went slightly hysterical with the "I survived" words all over my world.. including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It was a moment that I had to capture because there won't be another today.

Extremely tired now that it is 4.47am in Singapore. I am so tired. Today was a mad rush at home, throwing all my random clothes together, doing last minute readings for the last paper while rushing down to here there and everywhere to run errands, then to the airport, then more errands (with a lot of last minute revision), finally to school. 24hours never felt so long.

Have to wake up very early tomorrow so I shall sleep now. One thing I tell myself now that I am 99.9% done with school, I've got to get my sleeping habits right. Need to, want to and will eventually get it right. Need to stop being so nocturnal or surviving on so little sleep because I obviously cannot survive for long if I keep being a sleepless 'hero'. Shall see where I will go with this...

I'm learning to capture moments but there are way too many. I realize, too, that I am always writing when I have nothing to do. Writing with my pen, with my phone, with my mind. Every single second I want to document it down. From the broad observations to the tiny details.

Finally, I am so smart that I got myself locked out of wifi access on my phone. -.- !#$%*)#! just as I was about to reply whatsapps and all >:( suckssssssss. Need to stop being such a smartie pants. I WANNA CHECK INSTAGRAM I WANNA SEE PHOTOS :( Also decided not to get a SIM card with data coverage/line because this will give me ample focus on savoring the bits and pieces of this 3 day trip. So much to do, so much to see, so much to learn.

ok! hope i get some time to R&R before going back home to do more chionging... secretly proud that I have decided to do this. Took me so long before making this decision...

good night can't wait for breakfast hahahahahhaha then work :) i feel slightly proud :)

keep going!
(idk if this entry even makes sense but yes to memories and i am tired.. just like when drunk, words flow better hahahaah) 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Almost there.

In 20 19.2 hours, you will stop hearing me complain about how I hate school and all of its projects and assignments. I look forward to the end of tomorrow's paper - my final university term examination. There's so much to say but I can seem to get my thoughts sorted out at this particular moment.

So, marking this time and date in my calender for the rest of my life.. By 23rd April 2012, 7pm, I am free. Free from school, that is!!!

Don't get me wrong because I share a love-hate relationship with school. Sometimes hate but mostly love. I know I express hate a lot more often than love.. but this is really normal.

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
What I really want to say is that I cannot wait to see how my life will proceed with all the uncertainties and challenges ahead. Life's not going to be a bed of roses and I know the vicious cycles of "i wish", "i regret", "i hate" will emerge some day.. but for now I really want to feed my curious mind and unleash the fiery desire to achieve and to challenge the odds.

Okokokok anyway, 4 years onward and I am still capable of writing a blog post. so, HEY SCHOOL DIDN'T KILL ME!!!!! :D Starting from tomorrow, I can stop telling myself "I will survive... I will survive...". Tomorrow, I'll scream "__   ________"! (this has to wait till I'm done with my final paper.)

Alright i really cannot wait to post pictures of so many other things!!! To end this wordy post, here's a picture.......... of more words.  tsk tsk!


This is from the last page of my course pack of my most hated, most incomprehensible, most demoralizing module. Also my last paper in my university life. what a fantastic way to end my 4 years. Unforgettable -.- If I am allowed to give a truthful answer, I don't want nor need to know anything in this course book. Ever!? But I did it anyway. Human forced to comply to our environments.
Oh well the irony... 

But yes think about it, what is it that you really want and need in life? 

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
//heart spam

Saturday, April 14, 2012


My friends deactivate their facebook accounts just so that they can focus on their studying. I might have to delete my Instagram app on my iPhone. So hooked to my all-time favourite app </3

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Week 14 is (not) a study week.

All these lies.. This week is torture so I shall go to bed now.

It's 3ish, slightly earlier than my usual 4am or later! But before that, I need to say.. I NEED A GRILL AND A PANINI PRESS IN MY LIFE. Now or at a later part of my life. Just to make sure that I remember...

Good night and good week! 12 more freaky days.

Hangin' on!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Last day of school

5th April 2012

It's the last day of school. I'm writing this because I want to remember this moment. It's the last "last day of school" that I'm going to say. For the past 19 years, I've had many "last day of school" moments. But it's different today because it really is the last.

I've been waiting eagerly for the arrival of this day. This seemingly insignificant moment which turned out to be a great emotional hurdle for me to cross. Like every other week, Tracy asked me this morning "Dear want coffee later?" I never said "yes" because I don't always do coffees. But, I always appreciated that thought. It's the warm and fuzzy feeling I get every time we have a morning class together. We've been friends for so many years now... Almost 4 years.. We've seen the inside and out of each other, the pretty and the ugly. Even through space and time, our friendship remains solid. Thank God. Anyway yes, I said "yes" to a morning beverage today. I needed to savor the last of whatever's left. Time flies and I know I always say this.. But time really did fly by. There aren't many more days for me to live, love and laugh like a student.

As today marks the last day of school for me.. From the life of being in a university, to a life of being in the university of life. Surreal indeed. I don't recall how I've coped with transitions in life. The gathering of people, the bond between people and finally the parting. Goodbyes are so hard to do. Whoever said they're easy are heartless or have a heart made of stone. My heart is jelly, jello, konnyaku.

I will solemnly miss this. Whatever things and people that made up my university life in the past 4 years.. Not even going to leave out on the amount of complaining I did over the years. They're quite a heap, I must say. But these things, I'll truly miss.

It's the last morning class of my life (and I am late). I'm standing in the MRT carriage wondering what is the right kind of emotion I should be having. Blank. Blank and more blanks. I feel like crying.

People are ironic. Why do we never hold on to what we have, only to realize how much we've missed when things are lost? Why do people do regrets?

I'm currently lost for words yet I actually have a lot to say. There are a lot of photos that I want to take, and a lot of memories that I want to keep.

Today's the "last time" for me to act cool in my student gear (of shorts, earphones, laptop and whatever I like). I can't quite capture emotions. But before I alight at City Hall for the "last time", I will end with an entire bunch of gratitude. No matter how much I hated it, this made up a significant part of me. Thank you, school.

It's exactly 8.30am now.
Yes, I am late.

P.S. In case you're wondering, last day really isn't quite the "last day" since I still have 2 oustanding reports, 1 presentation, 1 out-of-nowhere class to attend and 2 written examinations. OH BOTHER :(

Monday, April 2, 2012

Eating woes.

1st April 2012; 9pm

I just finished half a loaf of kaya-peanut butter jiam tao lo di (aka 'sharp head bread' aka the Singaporean/Asian Baguette). This bread's a lot fatter in size and slightly drier than the french baguette but it has it's own yummy taste to boot! I was feeling happy with myself for eating right this evening and i actually did my exercise. So so pleased with myself.... before I succumbed to.. bread. I can say "no" to many things but I'll be cruel to say no to bread :( hence........ i've got a 7cm long 5cm wide 3cm thick bread swimming in my stomach of peanut butter and kaya now. Well, guilty pleasures.

Reckoned I got my crazy love for bread from my dad. Every other weekend, he returns home with a loaf of traditional bread like that. I hate and love it. Hate that I have to pretend that I am not interested. Hate that I have to pretend that I dislike peanut butter and kaya. Love it though when he is too full to finish the entire loaf. Love it when I sneak up to a piece.. then to the 2nd.. then eventually to everything. BREAD MONSTER RAH!

love of my life. bread carb bread carb. 
above image credited to aceirus (idk i found him from google lol)

Really need to stop eating so much because I've had way too much cake this week. Don't think of them in slices. Think whole cakes. I cheated myself into thinking that I can settle with a small slice but the evil fork leads me to more than what I thought was enough... I finished half a cake in less than 10 minutes. It was so good I couldn't stop at ONE SLICE! 

Just this week, I've had one half of a 18cm diameter cake (orange butter cake) and two halves of a 7cm x 14cm cake (chocolate banana walnut cake). Please allow me to blame it on stress, school and the likes for my bad in consuming 3 halves of cake IN A WEEK!? Those calorie buddies creeping up on me. zzzzzzzzzz

That said, BOTH OF MY LITTLE SISTERS REALLY NEED TO STOP BAKING AND START GOING TO SCHOOL BECAUSE THEY ARE SCREWING UP MY 'BE HEALTHY' PLAN. I know no one else will eat the cakes if I don't.. It pains me because I cannot watch a fantastic cake go to waste. 

Oh, #firstworldpains.

Anyway, may I present to you the world's most unpretentious cake that my sister, Maggie, baked. You're right if you think that a cake looking like that can never taste good. It doesn't taste good because this is.. SO DAMN GOOD. Nothing could be better than a block of cake packed with chocolate, banana and walnut. Quantity counts but quality is never compromised. 

How i loveeee lovee loveee this cake i'm going to force my sister to perfect this! I remember how I cringed at the sight of the cake.. "omg the cake.... why like that....". Like a skeptic, I took one bite... and never looked back. In one night, I took on the world with n more of these and unknowingly polished off more than half of the entire cake.

This, is the power of ugly.

Super ugly? It's super yummy!!!!!

this is only a small square measuring approximately 5 x 5 cm. Look at all those food popping!! 
I'm going to name this the CWBC (Chocolate walnut banana cake) 

Chocolate banana walnut cake sounds better.. but CWBC > CBWC leh...

Here, please take a bite off your screen. 


Sunday, April 1, 2012

just keep swimming.

I made my own SOAP!

Yes I did! That was more than one month ago.. it's part of my birthday celebration with my world's most boring cat (but also my favourite one). I've been meaning to put up the pictures yet I can't find the time to :( wish I had 48hours a day so that I could do so :( 

This week has got to be my most insane week this semester.. just hoping that it will not get any worse than this. School woes again! Hanging on to the last few weeks. Can't believe March just marched off like that!! The thought of school coming to a complete end excites me. Yet it unknowingly throws me down memory lane, reminding me of how 4 years of university have just zoomed by. The friends, the everything. 

Well, an *emo post can wait.
Right now I'll need some sleep for my meeting later in school (on a Sunday yet again). Got to make this a Sunday to remember since I won't have many Sundays left to spend in school. For this, I am so glad.

I'll be back soon when I get bits of my life returned to me... for now it's just gonna be me & my projects. Ready to conquer the world!