Monday, April 30, 2012

i'm on a food trail.

At this time tomorrow, I will be on my way to Taiwan!

It's an insane life that I've been leading since the minute my exam ended. Can't even go about dramatizing how much I've been moving from place to place, country to country. Even till now, I feel like I haven't had enough rest. I am dying to get good rest.. dying even more inside to sleep by 1am instead of 6am. I hate it that my sleeping patterns are still odd >:(

The bff and i just spent 3 hours on skype discussing all things budget, itinerary, packing (and this packingggg killing meeee) i will wake up later to more pain, all thanks to packing!

Though I am not at all ready for this trip with so many other things that I am leaving behind just like that, I look forward to the taiwan street food hahahahha. All the wonder, happiness and fats that food brings. Nothing else can compare.

I will be back in 10 days, i think. Or 11? or 12? Hmm.. anw can't wait to see what Taiwan has to offer and can't wait to be back to see what Singapore remembers and holds true to.

Such wordy posts all the time! Picture spam soon with country-hopping, table-hopping, event-hopping.. yes I'm a hopper.


Till then, may you be richly blessed!
See you blog in 10/11/12 days!!

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