Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bliss starts here.

I am still not updating this space as I would expect myself to. Life seems to be on a constant high ever since the last official examination. Been on graduation trips, business trips, cooking sessions, catching up with so many more friends, graduation commencement ceremony and endless photowhoring in our black harry potter-ish graduation gown. Work fills up everything else in between. It is never-ending, sometimes mundane but almost always exciting!

Before I start missing the special moments, I'll mark a friend's special day in this timeline.

18th August 2012 The proposal of Xiaobai to his wonderful half :) 

Together with the band of brothers (and sisters Jas and Jaz), we've gone through rounds of anxiety with Bai. Ring search, script, decoration arrangements, venue, details, details, details and the toughest was getting the big act together. Oh boy and this is only the proposal!

Everything turned out purrrrrrfect - the plan, operation and execution.

Congratulations, Xiaobai, YOU DID IT!! Glad we pulled it off. I especially love the look of shock on her face. The lucky girl's awfully shy :)

Here are some behind-the-scene pictures that I took with my iPhone 4. Sigh, the limitations.

What bliss :)
Love a little more everyday.

Happy long long long weekend!

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