Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Malmö Festivalen

(What is thepowerof365?)

22nd August 2011
Malmö, Sweden

Made our way to Malmö (pronounced: mild-mer) on this beautiful day because there was Malmö Festival! We were looking forward to all things Swedish, tasting Swedish/Scandinavian food, look at anything that Sweden has to offer and more so, to soak up some amazing Scandinavian culture. We had A LOT of expectations from said festival! 
I can't believe that Malmö is one of the largest cities in Scandinavia (I believe in Wikipedia). To me, the city's actually tiny, very cosy though.
Still, I love Sweden. 
(I might say this very often in the next few months as I embark on The Power of 365)
Malmö Central Station 
Having been to some other parts of Europe, I dare say that I love the architecture in Scandinavia the most. Curves, lines and colour blocking. Extremely clean and sleek. 

All these Swedish text brings back fond memories of us trying to make sense from the words and how hard we tried pronouncing them. It was so much fun imitating how the locals speak. Interesting too because there seems to be so much flamboyance despite that monotony in the language! The Swedish language sounds very.... calm. 
Oh Swedish Swedish how I miss!

On the Mälarbron (Bridge)

Sparbanken Öresund (Bank)

Map of the festival in Stortorget (The Square)
Just look at how small the place really is?!? Sigh.
Lillatorg (Small Square) - where I had one of the best looking and sinful cheesecake everrrrrrrrrr. Pictures next time!
We never really knew where, when, how was it supposed to be the festival. We just kept walking and walking and walking.. started eating and eating and eating. Somehow, when we were done with the food, it also seemed to be the end of the festival. It was food galore. Slightly disappointed....
Such a cute mini coffee truck!
Ooeeeoh those warm roasted almonds coated in a crisp sugar shell


I love how the people were always so welcoming. Camera-friendly and human-friendly.

MOOSE burger with pita bread. 
Moose meat is very lean, texture's somewhat that of sliced beef but chewier. The taste.... I really still prefer beef. Moose meat has a slight gamey taste. Not too strong but not too mild either. In fact I can still remember how it tastes like. 
I can now strike this off the bucket list!

Sausages, burger patties and so much more.
Chef behind Texasburgare smiling for me despite the long long long queue. Tsk!
Oooooooh yum yum yum
And he came out just to take a picture with Shannon and I! Oh cheerful uncle :)
No frills. Beef patty, a slap of hot sauce, sliced white onions and jalapeños sandwiched in a pita-bread bun. Gawd, I love their pita bread.

Polkagris Butiken (Candy Shop)
It was candy land, really. Sadly I'm not too big on sweets.. They were colourful and so good to look at though! Super wide variety though I'm guessing they wouldn't differ much in taste.

Pots and pots of food in industrial cookers. How not to salivate.

Shannon's passionfruit tart
Shoplifter who failed to escape and got caught in the end. Quite a sight!
Eelin's nasi briyani hahahah how she cannot live without her Asian food :)

When Asian chilli sauce always ALWAYS means a bottle of Sriracha. I kept seeing this transparent bottle filled with red sauce, topped off in a green plastic cover in Europe and in the States. This really does no justice to the endless variety of chilli sauces that Asians do! Sigh! Perhaps this really appeals a lot better to our non-Asian friends.
On a sidenote, I guess Huy Fong Foods Inc must be earning BIG bucks hahahahaha
Tracy's super long sausage!

OK, End of festival. SIGH

St Johannes Kyrka and a very blue backdrop. 
The sky is impossibly blue. I've never seen skies clearer and better than these. I've never breathed air cleaner and crisper than these. I will do anything to go back to a life like that. 

Ended up at Triangeln. Futuristic dome amidst the brick buildings which, surprisingly, does not stick out like a sore thumb. Cannot stop emphasizing on how well structured these designs are. I know nuts about architecture but everything here appeals to me. So very clean!
Triangeln railway station 
Affectionately pronounced as "triangle-in" or "triangle N" hahahaha 
when it should rightfully be "tree-ang-niang"? I don't even know if I got this right
Even the railway station is..

Wow, a post like this zaps away my energy. Pressing on with this project.......... this has to be my punishment for procrastinating. However, my reward for working on this project is that I get to find out more about Malmö (and the following cities that I visit). That's a fair exchange I guess.

Here's my reward (more about Malmö) for today's effort.

Tomorrow, we're leaving Sweden!

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