Saturday, February 4, 2012

My first in Europe

There's always a first to everything. Stepping out of our comfort zones, learning to accept cultural differences, being a minority and adapting to climate changes are just a few of my many experiences.
It all seemed so long ago, but I'd better put them in pictures so that I can better remember my journey in Europe.. and also more of how I've had been living in a home away from home. To be exact, it all started on 15th August 2011. Surprising how the adjustment period was so short because everything was perfect. We really didn't have much to complain about. What's not to like in Sweden? Fresh air, clear skies, gorgeous faces, incomprehensible Swedish language and etc. This country has a lot more to give. I love Scandinavia!

Shaun & Shannon


Extremely tired from the long flight + long enough transit hours to kill at Doha. Living the nomadic life with our laptop in outside of Emirates First Class Lounge. lol At times like this, you'll be so thankful for wifi!! Arrival at Copenhagen after idk how many hours! Can you even contain the excitement!!! The nice people of Lund University planned the Arrival day well with many of their existing students helping us with the arrival. So excited to be seeing people from so many different cultures arriving one after another at the airport. Heartwarming <3 
 Train tickets from Copenhagen airport (Kastrup) to Lund Central!
Finally at Lund!!! - Lovely lovely

We couldn't understand how some of the locals could wear shorts and tees at 16 degree celcius.. They probably thought we were freaks for dressing in long sleeves and pants.

Shared half of this with Tracy while waiting for the others to arrive.. Emirates' in-flight meals were so frequent they scared us. We arrived in Lund feeling so so so hungry though.

My cute little baker of a sis made this heart (of fruity pebbles (!!!), rice puffs and marshmallows) just a few hours before my flight.

I hid in my room and cried like a baby when I saw her preparing it in the kitchen.. To think I really wanted to "scold" her, "why are you doing these crazy baking things now when your 三姐's gonna leave you in a few hours time. Spend time with me lah! Quick help me pack!!! !#$%^&") Anyway, I brought this all the way from Singapore to Sweden!
My little sisters are the best at doing these little things for me. <3 Why I never ever take my family for granted...

This box of 老婆饼 that Matilda specially got me from Hongkong, saved us from starving on the night of our arrival. The studio apartment that we got was in such a mess - beds and tables at the corner of the house, strangely. Opening the door to a room that wasn't up to expectations was the worst shock anyone can get after 20+ hours of travelling and numerous hours of waiting in the school for our house keys.

Now I know why they always said, "Keep an open mind. Don't have too high expectations." Lesson learnt.

The studio is really really small for 2. Furniture is over supplied for all the wrong reasons.
2 beds, 3 tables, 5 chairs. There were hardly any walking space at all.

MESS everywhere. Settling in was tough with all that unpacking and unloading (i spent days packing everything in and now i have to take everything out?!) lol

And yes, being in Sweden, it felt like I walked into an IKEA showroom.
NO LIES. COMPLETELY IKEA furnished. Swedish pride \m/

Some instant cereal to help calm us down.

I really love cycling in Lund. Almost everyone here owns a bicycle. I love how environmentally friendly and healthy the Swedes are. I miss cycling on the cobblestones that gave us extended bumpy bike rides; leaving us with a sore bum. :(

This picture probably doesn't say it clear enough.. but the crows are HUGE.
Exceptionally huge and black :O Scary ahahhhah 

"This way to the Square" - conveniently also known as town!

Apples on the trees are free for plucking!!! My friend's friend plucked some home to make an apple dessert! :) 

Finally, a kebab stopover store at a random place near school. 

Swedes love their wraps (I think/conclude based on observations). I love those middle eastern falafel (fried balls of chick peas) that's easily found all over Sweden (or perhaps even in most parts of Europe). YUMMY.

Ok! That said, we headed to the Swedish-owned furniture store to grab pillows, warm blankets for the coming winter and any other random cute things. IKEA - Swedish pride again \m/

Shall leave that for the next time because I'll tour you around IKEA! Till then, have a wonderful weekend! :)

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