Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Swirly polka overdose

Received my package from the happy lovely people (especially Joyce and her sisters!!!) at thetinselrack a few days ago and I finally found time to try it on! I got the Must be love scoop back dress and Bright shiny people skirt in navy dots from the latest collection :)

it's been such a long time since I last shopped online.. I remember getting the "online shopping withdrawal" symptoms during my first few weeks in Europe. I felt... empty (?) without the online shopping. Even H&M Sweden / Zara Spain / Forever21 USA in their own motherland failed to work their charm on me. Boo... No one can imagine how happy I was to be back because I could shop online again hahahha. This is probably one of the better things (other than coming home to my family and friends) that I can be happy for being back! Sad but true.

Anyway, happy is me!
This is indeed the bright shiny people skirt.. great quality and length (glad it isn't too short!) and too cheerful!!!!!!  comes with inner lining and side zipper.

The skirt's flouncy and light so that's a complete bonus! It made me feel so light and happy that I started swirling and twirling around in my room -.- in order to TRY TO capture this happiness (HAHAHA), I started doing self-timed shots while twirling but failed so many times. tiring zomg.

Evidence of failed attempts:

got so tired of it until i thought of capturing the twirly skirt while twirling!! now i really wonder why i did that. it felt like i was twirling on twirls. the effect of giddiness from twirling while holding the camera was x90000 as compared to just twirling while on self timer mode. school drove me mad / long days burnt my brains / i am just crazy.

here's what i experienced. only five million times worse. kid you not. sigh.
kids, don't try this at home. 

really couldn't walk straight after that. -.- NEVER GONNA DO THIS RETARDED NONSENSE AGAIN. hahahah

Sadly/proudly, this is the most successful looking photo from the lot of self-timer shots:

though I personally thought it's not too bad.

Anyway, my parents just returned from a week's trip in China and brought back a huge box of idk what chinese(?) food/snacks. I've really got my doubts on some of them. Example,

The Star of Bethlehem or advent star (adventsstjärna) paper lights typically fill the streets of Sweden in December. It's a Swedish tradition and the sight of these bright stars during a cold, dark winter is just lovely! Bought this paper starlight in Göteborg last november.. bringing whatever possible bit of Sweden that I can back home to Singapore with me :)

Here it is shining brightly over my bed, in my room!

look at how intricate it is!

My dad gave my room a major facelift and it's now all monochromatic black, white and grey! Loving how it looks because I played a big part in 'designing' this room :) Black is slightly dull and I am almost regretting my choice of colours.. Dust can be spotted so easily on the furniture. Not good at all... Other than the ugly window grills that I cannot change, I'm liking every bit of this. Minimalistic (almost) and those defined lines. At the moment, I'm all for lines and curves. There's no space in my heart for knobs and the likes!

I'm still finding time to sort out the mess though.. can't wait to get it looking beautiful.. Once again, I've got so many ideas but no time to do anything since i returned! Everything's just a quick rush.. from unpacking my luggage, to packing my wardrobe, to getting ready for school, to CNY... I've no idea where to find time for my own good!

alright, and ending the post with what I started on: the skirt. (sorry please bear with me. I really love it!!!) Here's a picture of my current favourite skirt from my all-time app instagram(



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